Herbs days in May

Moonlight Snowshoeing

maison grand maman

Herbs days in May

Herbs and flower in the plate

During the month of May surrounding the hamlet of Verana you can observe the extraordinary blooming of natural herbs and flowers. An old lady makes a list of 30 different natural herbs that in the past were used in the kitchen, some very know and sweetness as the spinach and the “bistorta”, others with a bitter taste as the echium and the “bardana”. The herbs used in the kitchen are harvested before their blooming because after they could produce toxic substance. For example, the “raperonzolo” or the “ajucca”  when they grow and bloom their green flowers become violet and during this change they are toxic. The “epilobio” during the first period of growth has a green stem and it’s very savoury as the asparagus, but during the second period of growth its stem loses its colouring and it is advised against cooking it. During the month of May if you book in the bed and breakfast I will go with us through the hamlets of Verana, Ecreux and Outreleve discovering and identifying the herbs and flowers. You could also have a dinner in a typical nice reastaurant “La Louye de la Gomba” in the Crest village where you can taste the delicious herbs.

Weekend 19 May -26 May -02 June

 Moonlight Snowshoeing

Saturday 2 december, Tuesday 30 January, Saturday 3 March and Saturday 31 March Over winter full-moon week-ends I am available for short and quiet excursions with snow rackets by moonlight. Hiking up through the Mont Avic Natural Park up to the Muffe Lake, where you can have dinner at the local lodge; for those who are more expert there is the opportunity to keep hiking, up to the Col de la Croix and from there enjoy the stunning view over the Monte Rosa chain, the Matterhorn and the Champorcher valley, all lit only by moonlight.

New Year’s Eve at the Muffe Lake

Guided excursion in the afternoon with snow rackets up to the Col de la Croix, where you can fully enjoy the sunset over the Monte Rosa, the Matterhorn and the Champorcher valley; afterwards hiking back to the lodge by the Muffe Lake to celebrate the coming new year. NB) Since this natural park is a protected environment, fireworks are forbidden.

Further info/details

14 + 15 =